
When aiming at preserving natural nutritional content from native superfoods, there are two critical conditions that must be met:
1) Close and direct relationship with small farmers to shorten the supply chain:
Superfood biomarkers vary in relation to the ripening process and post-harvest of each fresh raw material.
For example, camu-camu’s vitamin C and yacon’s FOS content reduces as they ripen, and lucuma’s aroma and colour become pale if not processed freshly.
It is critical to have a close and direct relationship with farmers to be able to follow the crop’s development and schedule harvests to maximize the superfood bio-markers, guaranteeing that our raw material arrives at the precise time at our processing facility.
2) Low processing temperatures
Superfood bio-markers and organoleptic characteristics are temperature-sensitive.
We based our processing facility in Cajamarca, more than 3,000 meters above sea level, where the air is dry, hence has a greater humidity/water carrying capacity during the dehydration process; and atmospheric pressure is low, contributing to water evaporation at lower temperatures (energy).
These two key strategic characteristics inherent to our operation maximize the nutritional content and cost efficiency of our Superfood product range.
At Villa Andina we process:
Organic Maca
Organic Lucuma
Organic Camu-Camu
Organic Mesquite
Organic Yacon
Organic Ginger
Organic Turmeric

Our Products List

Ancient tuber from the Andean highlands with traditionally renowned energy, fertility and hormonal balance properties; maca is a Peruvian pioneer superfood. Yellow, Red, Black or tricoloured maca are available in raw and cooked (gelatinised) powder form.

Consumed since pre-Inkan times, lucuma has proven nutritional properties that boost athletes’ performance. Follow this link to download the study carried out at the University of Food Technologies in Bulgaria on the Influence of Lucuma-Based Carbohydrates on Athletes.

Camu-Camu is the fruit with the highest concentration of natural vitamin C found in nature. It is grown in the low amazonian rainforest, next to the Amazon tributaries rivers that overflow to cover the camu-camu trees during the rainy season, and naturally fertilised with the slit left behind after the flooding.

Mesquite has a unique sweet, nutty flavour with a hint of caramel and molasses. Mesquite powder is gluten-free, high in bioavailable protein, with a low glycemic index. This highly nutritious substance also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and is rich in lysine, an amino acid. It is also a good source of dietary fibre.

Yacon is rich in FOS, fructooligosaccharides, a special type of sugar that is not easily digested and that ends up as soluble fiber. With a low-glysemic index, yacon is the perfect healthy alternative to traditional sugar sources.

Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional and alternative medicine. The unique fragrance and flavour of ginger come from its natural oils, the most important of which is gingerol. Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger.

Turmeric, a plant in the ginger family. Its rhizome (underground stem) is used as a culinary spice and traditional medicine.
In India, it was traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system.
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- (+51) 926 523 992
- Av. El Derby 254, office 2557, Santiago de Surco, Lima 15023, Perú